• Scholarships

    We will start awarding scholarships in 2024. We will ask applicants to write an essay and explain why they would be a good candidate for our scholarship and what they intend to do with the funds if they are awarded. We will be partnering with guidance counselors and English teachers across the state of Texas to ensure we receive as many essays as possible.

  • Awareness

    It is important to us, that as many people as possible know about what happened to Brian Deneke. We believe that Brian’s story is a cautionary tale and that it paints a grim portrait of small-mindedness and how detrimental it can be to the safety of anyone that is different. We see difference as a gift and through our artist partnerships plan to spread that message far and wide.

  • Opportunity

    Access to opportunity isn’t what it should be. Many young people allow their dreams and creativity to be stifled by what they perceive as impossible. It’s difficult to be different and impossible to dream if no one believes in you. We want the young adults that reach out to our organization to know that there are opportunities and paths to making the impossible possible.

  • Artists

    We will fund art projects around Texas to tell Brian’s story and advocate for the fair treatment of all people no matter what they look like, how they dress, or what subcultures they identify with. Brian Deneke created a public art project in Amarillo before his tragic murder, and by partnering with artists we will carry on his legacy and raise much-needed awareness.

How we help.

  • We will be starting our scholarship program by offering access to Texas High School seniors graduating in 2024. Our goal is to provide no less than five $1,000 scholarships to seniors planning to attend a college, university, trade school, or apprentice under a professional after graduation. This program will only be able to grow and expand through the generosity of our donors. The more you give the more opportunities we can provide.

  • We strongly encourage everyone to watch the film - Bomb City and learn about Brian Deneke. We will be sharing more stories as we find them in the “Learn” section of this site. If you come across a story that aligns with our mission, or you’d like to share your story please contact us.

  • We are all where we are today because someone gave us a chance, an opportunity, and they believed in us. That’s what Bomb City Foundation is all about! We want to be a lifeline for teens and young adults that feel strongly about their futures and just need a helping hand and someone to believe in them in order to take the first step towards creating a better future for themselves and others.

  • Brian Deneke was not only a Punk-Rock musician, he also created a public art installation in Amarillo, TX. It is in this vein that we plan to create public art projects to raise awareness and promote tolerance and social justice. If you are an artist and would like to contribute we’d like to hear from you.

Get involved.

Make a tax-deductible donation, or inquire about how you can volunteer and make a difference.